Vintage Snow Cone Cart

Vintage Snow Cone Cart

    • Actual Size: 3x3
    • Setup Area: 3x3
    • Outlets: 1

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Vintage Snow Cone Cart Machine Rental

You supply the ice and the cooler to store the ice.  (each snow cone uses 6oz of ice)

This snow cone machine will blend up the ice, so all you have to do is blend the ice and pour the syrup on top!

You can do one snow cone every 2 minutes.
(Thats 30 Snow Cones an Hour
(possibly faster if you have more than 1 person serving the snow cones)  (For example it would take 10 hours to make 300 snow cones @ 1 cone every 2 minutes)

For a faster, larger machine, click here.

Don't forget to add the snow cone cups!

Don't forget to add the snow cone flavors!

Vintage Snow Cone Cart Machine Rental Aurora Denver Boulder

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